San Martin de los Andes
San Martin de los Andes
Historical Review

Twenty years after the Conquest of the Desert and called on instructions issued by the Division military Andes then commanded by General Roca Rudecindo (brother Julio Argentino) decided to found the February 4, 1898 a town 40 miles Strong SW of Junín, at the head of Lake Lácar East.

This region was part of the territory inhabited by the Mapuche tribe he belonged to parliament Curruhuinca the chief Valentin Sayhueque, but who did not support it on the occasion of being expelled by troops Villegas.

The area disputed with Chile as take into consideration-the watershed drains into the Pacific Lácar line-or high peaks, was finally integrated to Argentina in 1902, after the arbitration award rendered by Edward VII, who on that favored the view of Perito Moreno, in this case by high peaks.

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